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Alphabet of thankfulness, “N”

Today I’m thankful  for my naiveté


 My family is always kidding my about how naïve I am about some things. For example, if a family member tells me something outlandish, (like there’s such a thing as a Michigan peacock) I’m very apt to believe them because of course, they wouldn’t lie. (Someone did trick me with this one. I won’t tell you I fell for it. 🙂 ) 


It  means I trust and believe in people. However,  I’m often disappointed because my level of expectation of others is too high sometimes. I am always surprised if someone has said something hurtful about me. I’m just naïve enough to believe most people like me.

I am also surprised when other people say or do things that are immoral or unethical. It is totally beyond my understanding that people cheat on their taxes or when undercharged or not charged at all for a purchase that they don’t bring it to the clerk’s attention. I’m always surprised when people don’t play fair. I guess I really am naïve.

But that’s o.k. I rather be the one picked on than the one who does the picking. I’d rather be easy to play a joke on than so “prickly”  no one would dare. I rather be naïve and see the wonder of life, than so jaded I can only see the ugly.


I’m also naïve enough to believe that relationships can improve if people would only be gently honest with each other. 

I’ll admit it. I’m naïve. I’m naïve enough to believe that God still performs miracles. I’m naïve enough to believe that my prayers really matter. I’m naïve enough to believe that God is who He says He is, that He can do what He says He can do, that I am who God says I am, and that I can handle anything God allows in my life. Call me naïve if you will. I call myself smart.

God bless and I hope you have a good day.

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