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the week in review and the movie “Benji”

Monday and Tuesday I posted about my garden. Monday’s post. Tuesday’s post.

We are heading back to the cabin with our seven-year old grandson so I won’t have an opportunity to give you the links for Wednesday Thursday, and Friday posts because they won’t have posted yet so I don’t the the link available.

So I hope you’ll check them out. Wednesday’s post was “Here;s some of my newest thrift store finds.”  Thursday’s was titled “How to get beyond our disappointment with God.” and  Friday’s was titled, “How God used a rose to remind me of answered prayer”.

Tonight we watched the movie Benji, with our grandson. Can I just say, “Benji” might have been considered child appropriate in the seventies but guns, the kidnapping of children, and kicking a dog, just don’t cut it in today’s world. I had no idea about the movie (or if I did I forgot) or I never would’ve let him watch it. But by the time all the above happened, the movie had only about twenty minutes to go.

There’s just something about guns and violence in a supposed child’s movie that is downright obscene. I so wished I’d checked out the movie ahead of time. But in my defense, would you have known Benji was like that?

I watched the news tonight and it sickened me. More people killed. More people injured. Does it matter that it wasn’t in the US?

Of course not.

I wonder what role those of us who call ourselves “Christians” have to play in the violence all around us. Do we even have a role to play? Do we need to pray differently? Do we need to act differently? Why isn’t more of the world responding to our exaample? Why is violence increasing? Are we really any different from anyone else?

Just musings because I’m tired of hearing about violence every time I turn on the TV?

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