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What is coming out of your mouth?

what is coming out of your mouth

Why are some people so mean and thoughtless?

Why am I at times?

Why do we say such unkind things?

Why do we use words like “retarded” and stupid?

 Words by themselves are fairly neutral but we all know how we feel when we’ve been the recipient of a word used in a derogatory way. “Retarded” is a perfectly good word if we’re referring to something other than a person.

Many times we don’t mean our words to suggest anything other than what they literally mean. We’re not intending to hurt.

But words do hurt.

It’s absolutely ridiculous to think that “Sticks and stones may bring my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Who coined that ridiculous phrase anyway? And our culture has deteriorated rapidly in this area. Watch any reality show and you’ll see what I mean.  What has happened to our sense of humor that we think making fun of someone is even remotely funny?

What has happened to our sense of humor that we think making fun of someone is even remotely funny?

Of course, the “sticks and stones” phrase is meant to be used as a retort to someone who’s said something unkind to us. A way of getting back at them and letting them think their words didn’t hurt us.

Let’s be very careful our word choices. Next to our actions, our words say a lot about us and determine our own moods, more than anything else.  We simply cannot say cruel things to others without it hurting us as well.  I always feel a little sorry for someone who can’t control their speech because I know they are not happy people inside because…………..

Happy people use life-affirming words.

(By the way, if you’re dealing with depression you, of all people, need to use life-affirming words. What comes out of your own mouth will set the tone for your mood.)

God bless and have a good day.

(PS. I was downloading some pictures from my phone to my blog and apparently I accidentally hit publish for one of them which is why you saw a picture yesterday with no post attached. But maybe we can consider that a “teaser” for what is to come. I’m finally getting ready to share our kitchen re-do from a couple of years ago. I know, I know. A little late. But I’ve had to find all the before pictures which has taken a lot of time.)

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