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What do you want from God?


There is nothing easier than getting into a right relationship with God except when it is not God you want, but only what He gives.

Oswald Chambers

Aren’t we all there a lot?

We seek God out but not always for the right reason.

We want His blessings for our families, our friends, our jobs, our health, our lives…

And, of course, God invites us to ask for those things always. Jesus often asked, “What do you want me to do?” Those verses by Jesus are some of my very favorites. When I pray, I often remind myself of this question so that I will be honest and forthright in my prayers.

But, If that’s all we want from God, we have a problem.

God wants us to want Him first of all. He created mankind for fellowship, first and foremost.

Are you prepared to ask what it is you want from God and why you want it?

For example, do we ask for God’s blessing on a family member because God will be glorified because of it or because that person will be nicer to us?

Do we ask for a certain job because so we can give more financially or because we can have more?

Do we plead for someone to have a heart for God for them, or for us?

I work hard at this. I am honest in my prayers. I pray for what I really want for the people in my life so that their lives will be better, not just mine. It took me a long time to get there. For a long time, I prayed for my family and friends without the particulars. Now I pray for the particulars.

More about praying specific prayers in the future.

For now God bless and have a great day.

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