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Easter and new birth. What a wonderful combination.

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This Easter, I’ve been reading “No Wonder They Call Him The Savior” by Max Lucado. What an amazing book. You know, I don’t think I fully understand the price that was paid for my sin.

Not really.

Does anyone, I wonder?

Can we?

I think if I truly grasped the meaning of it all, I would fall on my knees in abject sorrow and gratitude, all mixed together.

I would cry in relief and in joy.

The Thief on the cross

Arent’ we all the thief of the cross? I want to quote directly from Lucado’s book.

“Now, why did Jesus do that? What in the world did he have to gain by promising this desperado a place of honor at the banquet table? What in the world could this chiseling quisling ever offer in return? I mean, the Samaritan woman, I can understand. She could go back and tell the tale. And Zaccheus had some money that he could give. But this guy? What is he going to do? Nothing!

That’s the point. Listen closely. Jesus’ love does not depend upon what we do for him. Not at all. In the eyes of the King, you have value simply because you are. You don’t have to look nice or perform well. Your value is inborn.


Isn’t that wonderful?

Sometimes I feel like that thief.

But don’t we all?

Sometimes, we feel we have nothing to offer. We’re too this or too that. We’re not talented enough. Young enough. Old enough. Not smart enough. I mean, I could go on. You know exactly what I’m talking about.

But this season, remember this. If Christ could forgive someone who truly had nothing to offer and no time to do it if he did; what about us? We all have something to offer.

Reach out this season.

See yourself on that cross, needy and in pain. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. That’s exactly what the thief did.

Today, there is a grinning ex-con walking the streets of heaven who knows more about grace than a thousand theologians.

That can be you as well. If a thief on the cross is redeemable, so are you.

God bless and have a wonderful Easter.

ps. I am posting out of sequence this week.

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