Family losses and lessons to be learned.

Family losses are hard. Any loss is hard, especially when they’re unexpected. But as with all of life, there are lessons to be learned.

dark path/family losses

The losses

One was our son-in-law’s mother. Her health was failing but we all thought she had quite a bit longer.

The second was my husband’s brother. Again, not in great health but no one expected this.

Both funerals were well-done and inspiring and I thought I would just share a little with you about what I came away with.

The first loss

My husband’s brother was the first one. His priest shared how Tim was up and dressed for work very early in the mornings (by 3:00) so he could spend at least an hour in church praying about two things very important to him. Abortion, and euthanasia. I was surprised by the euthanasia and wondered why he concentrated on that because as far as I know, it’s not a problem in the United States.

I couldn’t help but be impressed by his faithfulness. So that was a heads-up to me about how seriously I take the issues I am concerned about, abortion being one of those myself.

The Seond Loss

The second funeral was this past weekend and there I was reminded how Psalms 23 states “as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death”……The pastor pointed out that in fact, we are always walking in the shadow of death. That’s really true when you think about it.

She further pointed out how we should always remember when we talk to someone that that might be the last time we see them. Hard to listen to both these concepts but no matter how hard it is, it’s true.

Can you just imagine what this would be like if we all learned from these lessons.

What can be learned

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  • That if we’re serious about something, we should do more than just give it lip service.
  • That we truly do walk in the shadow of death every moment because we are mortal.
  • That we should remember that the last interaction we have with somone just might really be the last.

Consider this

I don’t think I’m being morbid. We should all take time to consider our own mortality and the mortality of those in our lives. Let’s leave nothing unsaid, nothing undone, as much as it depends on us.

When it comes to ourselves, let’s face each day with joy and anticipation while at the same time knowing we are mortal. I think facing my own mortality is why I was able to finish my book. I didn’t want to have someone say, “Oh, that’s too bad she didn’t finish it. How sad.”

I want to leave a legacy of a life well-lived, not a life half-lived. Don’t you?

God bless and I hope you have a good day.

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