Depression may be awful, but there really IS hope

Depression and anxiety are truly awful. They both rob you of so much, but mostly, they rob you of hope. But there really is hope. That’s hard to believe when you feel so awful. But there are countless people who can testify that it is not only manageable but can be completely overcome.

I know because I’ve been there. But as with most things, it requires a lot from us as well. It requires an honest evaluation of our thinking, habits, how we talk, health habits, and so much more.

A silhouette of a person sitting on a bench with their head resting on their hand against a sunset backdrop with soft hues of pink and orange in the sky./depression

Depression never comes by itself.

Just like age doesn’t come by itself, neither does depression. It affects every part of our body: physical, emotional, and spiritual. It’s like a virus, and like a virus, sometimes we just have to let it run its course. Most depressive episodes are self-limiting. But while we wait, there are definitely things we can do.

Some helpful tips:

While we struggle through depression:

  • We can exercise daily; a twenty-minute walk is enough.’
  • We can keep a regular sleep schedule.
  • We can eat healthier.
  • We can monitor our thoughts.
  • We can watch the words we use.
  • We can connect with people.

As Christians, we can:

  • Pray.
  • Accept forgiveness.
  • Engage in Bible study.
  • Meet with other Christians.
  • Ask God for strength.
  • Love others.

Here’s a slide show you might find helpful.

Close-up of a yellow frangipani flower lying on a dark gritty surface surrounded by fallen leaves, with a soft-focused background.

Click here.

Depression doesn’t have to defeat you. Remember that. It’s good to have a month to devote to this subject as there are so many undiagnosed victims. Don’t feel ashamed if you struggle with any mental health illness. Everyone’s mind is ill at some time or another. I don’t know a single person for whom that isn’t true. Most people just won’t admit it. They call it something else, “I just haven’t been feeling well,” is a common disclaimer. We have to get over the stigma of thinking we can only be sick from the neck down.

If you are battling depression, there are lots of posts on this site to help. I truly hope they do.

God bless.