alphabet of thanks, “Y”

Today I’m grateful for YELLOW LIGHTS.

Actually, I wish there were yellow lights for more than just cars.

I mean wouldn’t it be great if every time we started to eat that extra cookie, or that extra piece of pizza, a yellow light would come on to warn us of impending danger?

How about a yellow light that went off in our brain every time we started to say or do something stupid? I mean wouldn’t that be wonderful and think of all the anguish it would prevent us from feeling?

yellow lights

But, of course, we do have yellow lights, especially if we’re followers of Christ. It’s called the Bible.

And if I were forced to come up with one only book in the Bible that gives us pretty much all the “yellow lights” we need, it would be the book of Proverbs. That’s why I read it every day.

It provides “yellow lights” for our words and our ways. There are “yellow lights” that warn us to slow down because we’re on the wrong path. “Yellow lights” about drinking, laziness, etc. But just like the yellow lights we sometimes race through at an intersection, we race through these as well. And just like those real yellow lights, ignoring them can prove to be disastrous.

So the next time you see those yellow lights, remind yourself that they are there for your protection and everyone else’s. And the same is true of God’s word.

Those “yellow lights” in Proverbs are there for our protection and, yes, the protection of those around us. Remember, every wrong move we make almost always affects more than us.

God bless and have a good day.