Dollar Tree Mirror/Crafting

Dollar Tree Mirror/Crafting

I’ve recently made about four mirrors recently and they are all my design. All supplies were from The Dollar Tree. The mirror frame is quite light so the beads actually help weight it down a little and hang better. I used Super Glue on this mirror, also from the Dollar Tree. Whole project took about twenty minutes and then about twenty minutes to dry. I just love it. Adds some bling to “teeny tiny”. The pictures were taken with my cell so not the best. I’m at “teeny tiny red cabin” which is why all the beadboard. I could not figure how to take a picture of a mirror without a reflection.

The round mirrors were made by gluing a round mirror to a silver tray and then glueing beads on. Again, everything purchased from Dollar Tree.





The beads are glued to the BACKSIDE of the mirror so it will hang better. Otherwise it would jut out from the wall. I used a Silicone waterproof caulk from Home Deport. Hot glue gun works but as the beads cool, they have a tendency to pop off. I used a tab from a soda can and adhered with the same glue I used for the beads.Takes about an hour from start to finish but then needs to harden overnight before you can turn it over to glue on the tab. They are heavy but I’ve had one hanging in my bedroom for a couple of months with no problem.

My next project is to make a much larger one but just have to figure out how to attach to the wall as it will be very heavy. Watch for upcoming posts.DSC00114mirror/theworminmyapple