Riots and Rockets. Shades of the sixties

Talk about history repeating itself. The sixties were a time of rocket launches and riots. The only difference is that now we are seeing everything unfold twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We couldn’t avoid it if we tried.

This will not be a political post. There’s enough blame to go around for both parties. No, this is a post about the heart.

Where are our hearts?

I would suggest our hearts should be breaking over all this. Our hearts should break because of what happened to George Floyd.

Our hearts should break over the towns whose business districts are being destroyed.

Our hearts should break because the very people who were peacefully protesting are now being used by outside political groups.

The other day I was at Walmart, two days after the shooting. Two women in front of me were asked by the man (what position he had, I don’t know) to see their receipt. They refused, telling him he had no legal right to ask them that. He backed off.

As they walked away, I heard one of the women say to the other, “I’ll bet they don’t ask white people to show their receipt”.

But as I left, he didn’t ask me.

I felt like catching up with the women and letting them know that I felt what happened to George Floyd was horrible. That not all white people are racist. Certainly, not me. (Hmmmmm ?)

I didn’t follow them, because frankly, I was quite sure they probably didn’t care what I thought. And that’s OK.

My heart was with those two women and the insult they felt from the “security” guard. It was just wrong.

I trust you are praying about all this hate and hurt.

Let’s get our hearts in the right place. Let’s quit judging and treating people differently because of their ethnicity, education, weight, economic or educational disparities……

I really do believe that change occurs in the world when it changes in individuals first.

Think about when you meet a new person. Can’t you just feel whether they are angry or calm? They each emit a kind of aura, don’t they? I want my “aura” to reflect God’s love.

We were all feeling a bit helpless because of the pandemic and now we have these riots. We really feel helpless now.

The history when Jesus walked the earth was not that much different than now. (Except for the rocket launch, of course.) Poor people and minorities were being taken advantage of, too. Why do you think headdressed the treatment of the poor so often? Political turmoil was everywhere.

Jesus preached that our hearts had to change and we, and we alone, are responsible for that heart change.

It’s no different in 2020.

I know that for me, I’m looking at my heart intently. I don’t want racism or any kind of discrimination to live in my heart. I am challenging myself this next week with the thoughts I choose and the words I use.

Let’s all just open our hearts to the Holy Spirit to search us and see if there is any “wrong” thinking. Is there something as an individual we need to be doing differently?

God bless and pray for the safety of America across these situations.

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