my routine

It occurs to me that I really don’t post about a normal day in my life So seeing as today is as normal as my life gets, I thought I’d give you a sneak peek.

Well, I got up. Hey, that’s good, right? Was pleased that my IBD has calmed down. That alone was enough to make me praise God. I think I figured out what might have caused this most recent flair. The only change in my diet had been that I’ve been eating more yogurt.-for my gut, right?

Well, my daughter pointed out that maybe I should check the ingredients as she knows we eat the low-fat stuff. She also knows that, like her, I can  not tolerate even a little, not  even a smidgen, any artificial sweetener. It tears up my gut something awful. Well, sure enough it had an artificial sweetener in the list of ingredients. So much for that! I’ll be checking labels more carefully in the future. I just hope this was the culprit.


So, anyway…..

I had breakfast (no yogurt).

Had my devotions and sure don’t like the book of Ezekiel-more questions than answers.

Sent an e-mail to one of our pastors asking for recommendations of books to clarify the above and just the whole subject of God’s discipline in general.

Cleaned outside of stove,refrigerator with Murphy’s oil.

murphy's oil soap

Murphy’s oil soap

Scrubbed down walls and floor boards around stove. What a mess. Oh, and I cleaned the grate under the refrigerator. Disgusting!

Called my Aunt in Florida who just turned 100 in November.

Use the Murphy;s again the polish the pedestal and chairs in dining room.

Did some “pinning” from this blog.

Am getting ready to have lunch. Dinner is finished for the evening and hubby and I are going see “Unbroken” at our local second-run theater or as we refer to it, the “cheap show”. We have this thing we do. If we’re going to the show, we know we’re going to eat a lot of popcorn so we consider that dinner. That’s means that we eat more at lunch.



Later today and before the show I’m going down to my cold basement and actually going to cut out a white wrap that I’ve been wanting to make, assuming my hands will cooperate. Another story for later.

Also, on the docket is continuing to clean out closets and drawers before spring. The pile for Goodwill continues to mount.

Hope to finish waxing a mirror I chalk-painted white over red a few weeks ago. Hope to get it up yet today. Will, of course, post a picture.

Will everything I was going to do this afternoon just went up in smoke. Grandson coming over. As I said, this is as normal as it gets

God bless and I hope you have a good day.