How God’s ugly creatures are really beautiful

It’s so easy to overlook the majesty of God, isn’t it. We seldom really think about our wondrous earth. I mean, all of it. Like the crazy underworld of the sea. I mean have you every watched some of the Planet Earth series? Amazing, amazing, amazing. Some of the ugliest, weirdest looking creatures I’ve ever seen. At the same time, overwhelming beauty. The sea creatures absolutely enthrall me. I mean, look at these guys:

sea creatures 1


Then there is the desert and its creatures. Holy, moly.

 desert mouse

African bullfrog

I was lucky enough to go snorkeling off the shore of St. John and I will never ever forget the experience. Of course, there’s another good reason for that.

I didn’t realize that part of my buttock had snuck out of my suit and was being exposed for hours to the hot sun. When snorkeling you are more or less swimming on the surface, backside to the sun. And, of course, combine that with the added benefit of being on the water, well, let’s just say, I’ve never been more miserable with a sunburn than the one on my buttcheeks. I couldn’t even sit down so I lay on my stomach till the pain subsided.


Not a very good segway to this next part but…..

How often we forgot the majesticness of our God. How often we forgot that his hand is in everything. That the breath we breathe is because he allows it.

Here’s some of my favorite verses. Do take the time today to read this Psalm. It will bless your heart.

Psalm 148: 5b….Let them praise the name of the LORD, for He commanded and they were created.

7-9…Praise the LORD from the earth, sea monsters and all deeps; fire and hail, snow and clouds’ stormy wind, fulfilling His word; mountains and all hills;  fruit trees and all cedars….

11….Kings of earth and all peoples;……

Then from Isaiah 37:16: “O, LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, who is enthroned above the cherubim, You are the God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth.

 I love it when everything I read supports what I read elsewhere.

And my reading in Mark refers to the book of Isaiah. How cool is that?

(BTW, in case anyone is looking for a Bible reading plan, here’s mine. I include a Psalm, a Proverb, a chapter from the Old Testament, and a chapter from the New Testament during my normal devotional time. I may stay in the same chapter of any book though for more than one day.) 

I do it this way because first of all, I think we should all read a Psalm and a Proverb daily, the Psalm for praise, and the Proverb for practical wisdom. I also like to “balance” my Old and New Testament reading by reading from each of them daily. Give a really good overview.) 

I follow this plan most days. What’s a plan if you don’t work that plan. Right?) 

I just wanted to share this with you today in case you needed a little “pick up”.

God bless and have a good day.

ps. You know what? I’m thinking about sharing some of my favorite portions of scripture on one day each week. Of course, I have more than fifty-two but that just means it might take a few years.