How to pray bigger than your faith

How to pray bigger than your faith certainly applies to me right now. Writing a book has meant putting my faith to the test.

I had been working on the chapters of my book in separate documents. Eventually, I have to have it all in a PDF file in order to publish it.

The writing has been easy compared to this part.

I think I also told you I’m reaching out to everyone I know who has a social media platform to help me publicize my book.

As I was thinking about publishing and all I had yet to learn, I thought of someone within our family network who has written some books herself and done quite well. I was hesitant to ask for her help because she has her hands full with her job and her family.

But I reached out anyway just for clarification about a couple of things. In the course of back and forth texting, I asked her if she would be willing to actually be my consultant in this whole process. I told her I wouldn’t take her help unless I could pay her.

Her response was that she had also received lots of help when she started out and this would be her way of passing it on. We scheduled an hour between her dropping her daughter off at a friend’s house and having to pick her up. I told her I would be taxing her brain non-stop during that time.

And I did.

Boy, we worked hard and fast and after one hour I was further along in the process of getting my book published than I would have ever been on my own. We accomplished in one hour what could have taken WEEKS! And that’s assuming I didn’t have a breakdown in the process.

(I hope you read the post from last Thursday because this is kind of the same theme. You can find it here if you’d like. )

This was another example of God going way beyond what I thought or could imagine. (Eph:3:20)

Pray Big

That got me thinking. I wonder what we could all accomplish if we prayed bigger and dreamed bigger?

I wonder what we could all accomplish if we trusted God more, had more faith.

If there is one area where I feel I “lack” in my walk with God it is right here, having enough faith. I never feel like I’m even close to having the kind of faith others have.

When I feel like that way though, I remind myself that this is just another way of comparing myself to others, but I don’t recognize it as such because it sounds so “spiritual”. It’s just as self-destructive and every bit as wrong, not to mention counter-productive to my overall spiritual growth.

In my book, I have one day (it’s a daily devotional) when I write about how comparing ourselves to others can trigger a plummeting mood. Left unresolved, it can lead to depression.

Interestingly enough, it’s my faith-walk where I do the most comparing. Now, just who do you think is behind that? It certainly isn’t God, is it?

Think big this week. Pray big.

Think outside the box. Pray outside the box.

cardboard boxes on living room/praying bigger than your faith
Photo by Mister Mister on

Pray outside the box.

I think God loves it when we pray big. It’s kind of like we’re saying, “I believe you really can do more than I can think or imagine.” Don’t be like me and measure your own level of faith. That’s between you and God anyway, isn’t it? Let him be the judge.

And don’t let anyone else judge you about your faith.

BTW, I wrote the above for me even more than I wrote it for you.

God bless and have a good day. ‘

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