Alphabet of thanks, “G”

Today is another easy pick. I’m picking Goodwill. Not the attribute, the store.  I LOVE Goodwill stores!

Except for a few pieces, almost all my furniture comes from thrift stores or second-hand shops. Probably eighty percent of my clothes do, too.

From what others tell me, I do a pretty good job with putting my house and my wardrobe together. Right now I’m into “pallet projects.” You’ll be seeing pictures of those projects soon.

When I look around, I realize I like my Goodwill pieces best of all. I like knowing someone else has owned what I now have. Makes me feel “connected” if you know what I mean. And think of how little I contribute to landfills by not buying new.

I also like putting my own touch on a room. I can’t imagine buying a whole room of matched furniture. Seriously. How creative is that?  I realize it’s not everybody’s “thing” but it sure is mine. I love the creative process, whether it’s redoing furniture, repurposing items, putting together my wardrobe, writing, or painting. Creativity brings out the best in me.  When I have a challenge, every creative spark in my body comes alive.

And of course there’s Pinterest. Surely, anyone reading this blog knows about Pinterest. Sometimes wish my daughter had never introduced me to it. “So many projects, so little time.” I get so geeked about all the possibilities, I hardly know where to begin. Which is why I really shouldn’t ever walk into a Goodwill store again. My mind goes all haywire with the ideas whirling around in my head.




painted jar

painted jar

Today I saw two adorable little oil lamps. I had them in my cart but but them back. I’m still dreaming about them. 🙂

There are mason jars in the basement waiting for their second coat. Right now I’m into the mason jar and pallet boards mania. Can’t wait to show you what I’m doing. By the way, has anybody tried to transfer paper images using the waterslide method? I would love to hear from you.

Here’s more stuff.


bottles (2 coke bottles on outside. painted aqua and distressed)

coke bottle

coke bottle


Anyway, today I’m grateful for Goodwill. Yea!!!