Here’s my latest, greatest garage sale finds.

(I’m switching up Monday’s time to post to 11:00 A.M. The rest of the week will be at 11:00 PM. At least for now.)

Saturday was so hot here. I didn’t “hit” as many garage sales as I wanted but for the few I did get to, I found some cute sweaters ($1.00 each and a scarf, 25 cents.)garage sale finds

I always buy knitting needles at garage sales because I’m always losing one of a set. I take my knitting and crocheting with me lots of time so losing one is always a possibility. ($3.00. That’s a fair price, $1.00 each set.)

garage sale finds

Then there’s this book. It’s really old as you can tell because it uses the word “reducing”. Good advice is good advice no matter how old. (10 cents.)

garage sale finds

Then two books on one my favorite subjects, the brain. (25 cents apiece. Grand total for Sat: $5.85. Whoa! That’s more than I’ve been spending. 🙂 )

garage sale finds, 8/16

God bless and have a good day.