Happy Thanksgiving and hope your day is going better than mine.

As you read this, I’m trying to decide what I’ll do for Thanksgiving dinner.

“What”? you ask. “You’re planning Thanksgiving day dinner the morning of? What are you thinking”?

Well, we were planning on heading to the other side of the state and spend Thanksgiving with my daughter and her family.


Hubby is sick. 🙂

First, there’s the diarrhea, nauseousness, and lots of gas. (Ugh!) Then there’s the Costochondritis. You can read about that here.  I think most of you will be too busy to check it out so let’s just say, it’s a miserable condition and the worst part, you can’t predict it and there’s nothing short of painkillers to treat it. It was diagnosed during an emergency hospitalization when we were in Florida a few years ago. It mimics a heart attack and the pain is even worse.

So we were fortunate to get him a doctor’s appointment yesterday. And guess what?

Our doctor was suffering from the exact same symptoms, minus the Costochondritis. In fact, he was heading home to go to bed right after my husband left.  Said he didn’t have a clue what it was.  He ordered some anti-nausea medication. So it’s wait and see.

So you see that’s why I’m thinking about dinner today on the outside chance hubby feels he can eat.

God bless and have a wonderful Thanksgiving day and be grateful for the blessings in your life.


PS: I’m so thankful for each of you.

I mean that.

Knowing I might be encouraging even just one of you on any given day, gives me the incentive to continue.

God bless and have a wonderful Thanksgiving day.