Where is your faith walk in the “little” things?

I think I shared about our storm damage a few weeks ago.

(Take this picture and imagine it twice as bad. This is only one small area.)

We don’t have the mess completely cleared yet. More trees had to come down. More brush and limbs taken away.

We’ve had a tree removal service here for three full days and there’s still a huge tree trunk that has to be hauled away.

But I am so grateful we have a home and this is really only a hiccup in our lives, albeit an annoying one.

I’m very pleased with my response to all of this. Not once did I get anxious about it. I found myself in continual prayer that all would get done in a timely manner and that I would look back and feel good about my faith walk.

I do.

Then I read this yesterday in My Utmost For His Highest:

If we do not do the running steadily in the little ways, we shall do nothing in the crisis.

How true that is. We don’t grow faith in a crisis; we only tap into what has already been nurtured and matured.

Thank you Father for keeping me steady.

God bless and have a good day.