God’s leading or my own. How to know?

Table of Contents


Determining whether a “leading” is from God or simply stems from our own feelings is a deeply personal and introspective journey. When contemplating actions that hold eternal significance, such as choosing a life partner, deciding on a career path, identifying habits that need to be overcome, addressing sins that need to be relinquished, and working on relationships that require improvement, it becomes essential to approach the decision-making process with careful consideration.

Criteria for finding God’s leading.

The Voice

One of the essential criteria I employ in discerning whose “voice” I am truly hearing involves seeking alignment with values and principles that resonate with my faith. This encompasses whether the inclination aligns with attributes traditionally associated with godly wisdom, such as virtues of compassion, humility, integrity, and love.


Furthermore, I find it valuable to assess whether the proposed course of action aligns with the fundamental teachings and wisdom found within the Bible, spiritual traditions, or respected sources of moral and ethical guidance.


Additionally, I place emphasis on the discernment of inner peace and resonance. A divine leading often brings a sense of serenity, assurance, and clarity, even amidst the complexities and challenges associated with the decision at hand. Contrarily, when our emotions or ego are the primary drivers of a “leading,” it may be accompanied by feelings of restlessness, turmoil, or discord. By paying attention to these internal signals, I can gain insight into the authenticity of the guidance I am receiving.

Other people

In the process of discernment, seeking wise counsel from trusted mentors, spiritual advisors, or individuals who exhibit wisdom and integrity can also prove invaluable. Engaging in meaningful dialogue and seeking insights from individuals who can offer diverse perspectives often enriches the discernment process and facilitates a more comprehensive understanding of the decision at hand.

Ultimately, this discernment process is an ongoing and evolving endeavor, deeply rooted in authenticity, humility, and a genuine desire to seek and align with divine guidance amidst life’s profound choices and challenges.

An example

Years ago, my husband and I opened our home to a person who needed some structure and direction. I didn’t have time to think this one through or question what direction to take. It was the only action to take, and their life depended on it.

We all have times like this when we trust that if God has brought a circumstance into our lives that we’ve not engineered in any way, we know it’s His plan. The questions below don’t necessarily apply to those times. I just wanted to make sure you understand that I’m talking about actions we’re considering where we have the time to ask these questions. 

Consequences of not seeking God’s leading.

I’ve learned a few things along the way. I’ve suffered the consequences of not asking God for His direction. I’ve also experienced some trauma because of other people’s bad decisions. I’ve witnessed those who foolishly walk headlong into disaster because they hadn’t sought God’s wisdom. Sometimes, I’ve learned as much from them as I have from my own experiences.

In my journey as a person of faith, I have encountered various situations that have shaped my understanding of the importance of seeking guidance from God. Through my own trials and tribulations, I have come to realize the profound impact of not aligning my actions with God’s will. This awareness has been a result of personal hardships and observing the consequences of others’ misguided choices.

It has been an eye-opening experience to witness the repercussions of neglecting divine direction. I have seen individuals face the aftermath of disastrous decisions, all because they neglected to seek wisdom from above. These occurrences serve as poignant reminders of the significance of seeking God’s guidance in all aspects of life. Reflecting on these instances has provided me with valuable insights that have enriched my spiritual journey.

Seeking God’s direction when we have time to do so also keeps us from spinning our wheels. Haven’t you noticed that yourself? We sometimes go down a rabbit hole researching and looking for answers when maybe we need to sit back and simply wait. Yes, there are definitely times we should do our homework. I believe God expects us to. But there is also a time we quit all of that and leave it in God’s hands.

More tomorrow.

God bless.