When a dear friend dies, and your heart is grieving.

Our dear friend died yesterday. We are grieving his loss. But God heals the brokenhearted, as written in Psalm 147:3.

First, he was given at least five years to live after removing his bladder. Then, a few weeks ago, even before his six-month check-up, he started to feel ill. He was checked out but things seemed to be OK..

Except they weren’t.

He went back to the doctor last week and was told his cancer had returned and had spread. However, with chemo, he could probably live a couple of more years and feel relatively good. Two days after that, he was back in the hospital, and further tests revealed the cancer was spreading rapidly. This past Saturday, he was sent home, and his family was told he would have a few weeks. He died within twenty-four hours.

Close-up photograph of water splashing, with detailed droplets captured in midair against a blurred background/grieving

We had prayed so hard for his healing, and God answered our prayers. He is in heaven now, and he is healed.

Life can be tough, huh? We love people, and then we lose them.

We met them at our little up-north church and so yesterday was tough being there. He died just as the service began, although we didn’t know it at the time. But that might explain the gush of tears I felt right about then. I was grieving even before I knew.

If you’ve lost a dear friend, you know how tough it can be. So think of me this week.

God bless