Every once in a while, a kiss makes all the difference

God is pretty amazing. No, God IS amazing. Sometimes something happens and we catch our breath in the wonder of it all.

What does it mean?

So let me share with you.

We were at my daughter’s house last weekend. As most of you know I am the grandmother of a little seven-year-old. He has Down syndrome. His story can be found here. A post my daughter wrote (which you really might want to read) can be found here.


Anyway, my daughter was at work and my husband and I were sitting for him and his older brother. I went upstairs to play with him. We danced to the music from his Daily Vacation Bible School. After that, I asked him if he wanted me to read to him. He crawled on his bunk and I grabbed some books. But he acted as though he wanted to take a nap.

So I laid down by him and covered him with a blanket. I took the covers off me because I was too warm. He turned over and noticed I was uncovered. He pulled the blanket up over me, patted my shoulders, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He had “tucked’ me in.

I got so choked up, I almost started bawling.

It might not have affected me so much except school is starting and he’ll be in the first grade. No, he will not be doing first-grade work. We all know that. None of us fool ourselves into thinking otherwise. But my husband and I had been talking about how we worried that once he got to the first grade he might be singled out more, made fun of. I swear I think that would kill us.

So when he tucked me in with that little kiss, I thought my heart would break.

After he was born, I accidentally came across some blogs that were so cruel I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Men and women, (mostly women, I might add), suggesting that anyone who didn’t abort a Down syndrome child were horrible and that these children should never be born. I was shocked anyone could believe that way and could be so hateful.

What is wrong with some people?

So that moment was especially meaningful to me. I am so grateful I have a daughter who never thought about abortion for one moment. Who refused to have genetic testing because it would have made no difference to her.

Were we shocked in the beginning? Were we devastated in the beginning? Did we question God in the beginning?

Yes, to all the above.

But it lasted just a few days.

And I wouldn’t have missed this sweet moment for anything.

It was sweet because it was from a little boy who only knows love. From a little boy who will be innocent his whole life. From a little boy who will never be conniving or evil. From a little boy who adores his “Nana”.

It felt like God used that kiss to reassure me that our “Lukey” would be OK.

It isn’t often you get a kiss like that.

God bless.

The post, “Every once in a while, a kiss makes all the difference”appeared first on faithsighanddiy.com