the week in review and an on-line garage sale

Hope you had a good week.

I’ve been busy trying to organize my basement, clean out closets. Getting a big bag ready for “Thred Up”.  Have you checked it out? It’s a great big on-line garage sale. I’ve purchased a couple of items and have been very pleased.

This week I wrote about depression and our responsibility for our own health.

I didn’t post on Tuesday. There was a “situation” that got in the way

Wednesday I talked a little about why I hadn’t posted the day before and about National Chocolate Cake day.

Thursday I posted about how sometimes how we handle competition can lead or at least give us a clue about our depression.

Thursday I wrote about grace  and how sometimes we don’t recognize it the “ordinariness” of life.

Today is cloudy in Michigan, yet again!!!! Hubby and I heading out to run some errands and maybe go out for lunch.

Tomorrow night our church is having a combined service with our “sister church”, an ethnic church that has a totally different style of worship. We’re looking forward to it

God bless and I hope you have a good day.