thoughts about loss

thoughts about loss

A close friend of mine just lost her mother two days ago. She suffered a “silent heart attack” and has been in and out of consciousness these past two weeks. She wasn’t going to get any better so this is a welcomed departure for her sake.The family is at peace and through their sadness are glad their mother is with God. They have that surety as they knew of their mother’s faith.

But this got me to thinking about loss in general. There are so many different kinds we experience if we live to be of any advanced age. Actually, having just written that, I know that experiencing loss may have nothing to do with age. I guess there’s just maybe more of them as we mature.

How we handle loss probably says more about our faith than anything else. I worry how I’ll handle permanent loss myself. When the time comes, will my faith be strong enough? Certainly I won’t be able to develop faith at that time. I’ll have either have it by then or I won’t.

Faith is seldom birthed in crisis.

Maybe a funeral, if it isn’t our personal loss, is actually a time we can take a few minutes to reflect on where we are in our spiritual growth. We certainly can’t know how we’ll react in the future and we cannot anticipate grace. Grace comes when we need it not before. I think for today I’m going to leave it there. When the time comes, God will “grace” me as needed. As Christians we have to believe that.