Rescue is a great word. Right?

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Rescue is such a good word.

Relieve, restitution, restore, reinvent, restore, rescue. Hundreds of words start with “re. It would amaze you how many. I am so ready for my next game of “Words With Friends.” I’m concentrating on rescue today because I often need rescuing.

Do you?

I am a Christian. A Christian who has been rescued more times than I deserve. God is like that. He rescues us even when we’ve done everything wrong. Even when we don’t deserve it. God rescued the Israelites time and time again, even though they broke every commandment. There is no magic number which, if reached, God says “That’s it. No more rescues for her.” And aren’t we glad?

Being active is part of rescue.

As I mature in my faith, I know what God expects of Christians in general. Personal expectations are not always crystal clear, but the underlying truths are very clear. For example, Proverbs has a lot to say about laziness. This means that if I’m starting to feel down, which is very rare for many years now (Please visit my About Me page), I know that being a couch potato isn’t helpful because God says so. Sometimes, taking a day off and doing nothing does work, but only if it’s an intentional decision I’ve made and not my mood calling the shots.

Words are part of rescue

Proverbs also say about the words we use. When I start to feel down, I know I must choose my words carefully, not so much for other people, but for me in particular.

But sometimes, we can do all the right things we know to do, and depression still makes its presence known. This is when God steps in and rescues.

People are part of rescue as well

God rescues us often through other people. Several years ago, I was feeling kind of down -not depressed. (I’ve learned to distinguish between the two.) My husband was at our cabin, but I couldn’t go as other family obligations kept me at home. I kept busy in the morning, but after I ran some errands, I came home and felt some “little foxes nipping at my heels.” The phone rang, but I didn’t answer it. I wanted a pity party, and I wanted no party crashers.

But I’ve been a Christian long enough to know when God is behind something. I called the person back. They came over and spent the rest of the day and part of the evening with me, and I felt much better by the time they left. I consider that a “God rescue.”

The two most important means of rescue

Through his word

Sometimes God rescues me through the reading of his word. I’ll read something and have the uncanny impression that God is giving me a personal message. Many Christians have the same experience.) When God inspired the various authors to pen the words of Scripture, he knew that a couple of thousand years later, those words would bring me solace, would bring you solace.

Through prayer

When we pray and pray honestly from our hearts, God meets us no matter what we say. There is no reason to pretend we’re feeling something different from what we really feel. That’s why I chose the word DEEPER as my word of the year. I want to go deeper into my prayer life as well, meaning being more honest.

God rescues even when we’re not, but it might take longer. Right?

God’s word addresses every human condition. Every one.

Sometimes the rescue is really extraordinary.

brown wooden arrow signed/rescue is a good word

God provides a way for rescue

About twenty or so years ago (which was a period when depression really had a stronghold over me), I came home to find a message on our house phone. I pressed the play button. The voice I heard was unfamiliar. I didn’t know who it was, but she was praying—for me. She prayed for about a minute or two, and I can still remember the chill I felt. The prayer she prayed was uncanny. It was as if she knew everything about me and particularly the bad day I was having. Another “God rescue.” I’ve never forgotten it.

God knows when we’ve lost our way. He knows when we’ve run out of options. He knows when the timing is right for our rescue. So today, I’m really thankful to know I love a God who rescues me when he knows I need rescuing. As Martha Stewart says, “It’s a good thing.”

God is in the business of rescuing.

 God bless each of you, and have a good day.