Feelings of insecurity affect our prayers

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Feelings of insecurity affect our prayers. And not in a good way. Don’t let that happen.

I think that’s why I love the story in Luke, chapter five.

Apostle Peter was not bothered by insecurity

I love this story, not because Peter catches a lot of fish, but because his faith is such that he can speak honestly to Jesus, “Jesus, we’ve been fishing all night and haven’t caught a thing. This is the same spot, Jesus, just the other side of the boat. But I’ll do it your way”. Peter is secure in his relationship with Jesus.

Boy, is this me a lot of the time. “Really, God? You want me to do what? Haven’t I done that many times before? Haven’t I “fished” this spot before and come away “fishless? Now, it’s supposed to be different?”Really, God? You just couldn’t let this one pass? Oh, all right. I’ll do it again.”

Don’t you wonder sometimes why we can’t just “get prayer right” after the first time or should I say why I just can’t get it? Wouldn’t you think just one time of witnessing what God can do would settle it for us? I mean, how many answered prayers does it take before we believe?

That’s why I love Peter. He’s one of my favorites. He had to learn the hard way. But he also was the first one to step out in faith. He was willing to take the leap. He didn’t seem at all insecure in his relationship with Christ.

One could argue, of course, that his sense of security also led to his arrogance when he told Jesus he would never betray him even though Jesus told him he would.

Openness matters when Christians feel insecure

It’s Peter’s openness that appeals to me the most. Being genuine before God is so important. It’s how we all should be when we “talk” with God, totally honest and open.

There was a time I wasn’t honest before God. I felt I had to pray the “right” words. I used words that didn’t reflect who I really am or the way I normally talk. Funny, my prayers then were probably much more impressive than they are now. Now they’re much more “raw” and unimpressive. That’s because I feel less insecure.

My prayers are shorter now as well. Whatever time it takes me to express my praise and express my concerns is how long it takes. I don’t check the time.

How feelings of insecurity get in the way

Just like most of you, I wonder sometimes if I get it right, my prayers, I mean. Let’s face it, we are emotional human beings and that is reflected in our prayers, the style, the length, the passion, etc.  It is rare that I come away from my prayer time feeling like I nailed it if that’s even a possibility.

  • Maybe that’s not all bad though.
  • Maybe it’s our insecurity that’s what keeps us coming back every day, throughout the day, and during the night.
  • Maybe when we feel we have so much to learn, that is what draws us to God.

We should always consider ourselves as students.

So if you sometimes question your own prayer life, know that at least one other person feels the same way.

God bless you and I hope you have a good day.

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