Great garage sale “finds” over the weekend.

The “Stash”, especially the books.

Found some great garage sale “finds” over the weekend and books galore.

I went to an estate sale and found this.

First, a wonderful old juice bottle. Scored for .25. Will probably use as a vase.

My husband and I were heading home from our cabin and I spotted an estate sale. Poor guy; we made many stops . What should have been a two hour trip took five hours.

old glass juice container/great garage sale finds

There is a mission store by our cabin and I always find knitting and crocheting needles. Bought these two sets of knitting needles for .25 a piece. Here are some items from last week.

knitting needles/garage sale finds

But the best bargain at the mission store is the books, ten cents each. I buy them for everyone I know. I bought over thirty books! Do the math.

stacks of books/great garage sale finds

Don’t you just love this top one? I found it very helpful for the next book I am writing. I love old books. If you collect old old books, this is a website you might find useful.

stack of books/great garage sale finds
stack of books/great garage sale finds

But God often surprises me with old valuable books.

I can’t tell you, though, the number of times I’ve found amazing old Christian theology books at garage sales. I buy any one of those I can. They have proven invaluable.

Books on theology

I have one by a Jewish theologian that has given me great insight into the heroes of the Old Testament from the Jewish viewpoint. We Christians have gotten a lot of it wrong, I might add.

And who would know better about these Old Testament figures but Jewish theologians. Right?

In my world, these are the best garage sale finds.

I know people aren’t into garage sales. But honestly, I can’t see paying even a sale price for something when I can get it cheaper. Plus, it’s all about the “hunt.”

Someday, I will take pictures of all the pieces in my home that I bought at garage sales. Actually, I can’t because that would be just about everything. I’m serious. Except for upholstered pieces and mattresses, my whole house is composed of used items.

Hope you all have a blessed day.