I finally did it! Do you remember what it was?

Do you remember the angst I was feeling about hosting a get-together at my house for our small group from church?

I told you I just wasn’t sure I could do it even though I have done lots of entertaining in the past. It perplexed me and my husband.

I told you I was feeling insecure about the whole thing. Some of it was I wasn’t feeling at all well. I was finally diagnosed with SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) a few weeks ago. I will be starting an antibiotic soon but am waiting until after Christmas as I don’t tolerate antibiotics well. I’ve been going and longer and longer between episodes anyway.

Anyway, I did bite the bullet and invited the group over this Thursday. We celebrated Christmas with our family over this past weekend and that was so busy I don’t think I ever stopped except to sleep. It was crazy busy. So I didn’t even invite anyone until Sunday.


In the past I would plan at least a couple of weeks ahead of time. I have four days to get ready. But guess what?

As I said to my husband tonight, “You know what? I think I’m right on schedule. I feel really good about it.”

I also feel like I have been obedient. I have no idea why this was important to God, but I know it was. Something about this has freed me. We seldom know why God leads the way He does but we can be sure His leading is always for our benefit in some way.

Sometimes when we obey in what seems to be something insignificant, God is working in a very significant way.

I think of fisherman being told to fish on the other side of the boat.


A boy with a sack lunch.


A woman with a sordid past.


And yet significant enough for us to know their story a couple of thousands of years later.

I’m actually looking forward to this party. I’ve been baking like crazy. I’m creating a Charcuterie board and then just cookies and baked goods for dessert.

It feels really right and I am excited to have everyone here.

One of the recipes I’m making is various versions of shortbread.

Here’s is the shortbread recipe I am using:

Shortbread Recipe:


One stick butter.

1/3 cup sugar.

1 cup flour.


Mix butter with sugar. Add flour. Mixture will be crumbly. Pat into 8″ cake pan. Bake at 325 in ungreased pan for 32-35 minutes. You can tell when it’s done because it starts to pull away from the edges of the pan.

Immediately cut into wedges with a non-serrated knife while still hot. Let completely cool before taking out of pan.

But here’s some creative ways I”ve changed u[ the recipe.

I’ve used coconut sugar instead of white sugar. When I use coconut sugar, I’ve added lavender. I’ve also added lemon peel to the coconut sugar recipe.

When I use white sugar, I’ve added candied ginger cut into very small pieces.

I also tried dried cranberries but that didn’t work.

The possibilities are endless. What I haven’t tried is any kind of liquid flavoring like vanilla.

It’s such a simple recipe.

I will also drizzle a confectioners sugar glaze over them. I’ve often used lavender glaze for the lemon ones and lemon glaze for the lavender variety.

Remember, this blog is closing down by the end of this month. Be sure to move over to faithsighanddiy.com.

The post “I finally did it! Do you remember what it was?” appeared first on thegiftofdepression.com.