Bloom where you are planted. Here’s how to really do it.

Planting time is here—at least if you live in Michigan. I generally plant flowers already in bloom, but sometimes, I work from seeds. I’m doing a little of both this year.

white daisy flower/bloom where you are planted

Right conditions for spiritual growth

The process of tending to flowers, whether they are already blooming or simply seeds, involves ensuring they are in the optimal environment and receiving proper care. Like when plants need to be transplanted due to outgrowing their space and requiring division to stimulate further growth, or when they need significant pruning. The parallels between this nurturing process and Christian teachings are clear, as Christ frequently utilized farming parables to effectively convey His messages. This connection emphasizes the importance of providing the right conditions for growth, both in the natural world and in a spiritual context.

faceless woman working with soil in garden/blooming

Are you planted in the right place?

Let’s be clear. We are to bloom wherever we are planted, meaning no matter our circumstances, we are to be faithful Christians. However, there are instances where God may have a different plan or calling for us, prompting continuous personal growth. It is highly unlikely for anyone to experience spiritual development while remaining stagnant. The more we feed on God’s word and the more we pray, the more we grow.

It is essential to understand that as individuals, we are called to thrive in any situation, demonstrating unwavering faith and commitment to our beliefs. This requires us to utilize our unique talents and serve as positive examples. By immersing ourselves in God’s teachings and regularly engaging in prayer, our spiritual growth is nurtured. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that our growth is not solely for our benefit. Instead, it equips us to serve a greater purpose in accordance with God’s will.

So, instead of writing a long post about how to bloom, I created a short PDF that you can find here.

I hope you find it helpful.

God bless,


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