How to have the right disposition to hear God

I love the story of in Isaiah 6:8 when he volunteers his service to God.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

I wish I were more like him.

Of course, if I’d had Isaiah’s experience with seeing God on the throne and an angel touching my lips with burning coal, maybe I would have said it as well.

But that’s not the point.

I think God calls us all the time to service but whether we respond with “Send me”, certainly depends on a few things:

  • The state of our soul. Are we clean before God? By that I mean, have we keep short accounts with God, praying for forgiveness right away instead of letting things simmer? Every time I want to leave my cart in the parking lot and not return it to the cart stall, I am immediately aware that I will have to confess it if I don’t, so I just do it. (Yes, for me, I would consider it a sin because if one were to be blown into another car and “ding” it, that means I really haven’t loved my neighbor enough to take precautions to prevent damage.)


  • The state of our ears. Are we really listening for that still small voice?  I think it was easier before TV, cell phones, e-mails etc. how do you hear “quiet” when it’s so “noisy”? What am I doing to make sure I have some quiet every day so I can listen?


That’s why I love our cabin. I get quiet there so much easier.

  • The state of our knowledge. How well do we know our Bible? Do we truly study every day? Do we know when we hear that voice if it is in tune with God’s word?

bible knowledge


  • Our will. Are we willing to “hear”? I’m not always. Just being honest here. Like most people, I want things my way and when they get interrupted I have a spiritual temper tantrum, even if I know it’s God’s voice.  It’s harder for some people to give over the control to their lives because they’ve had to exercise it to survive.

temper tantrum

God did not force Isaiah to do anything. God doesn’t force anyone to do anything.

I wish He did at times.

Don’t you?

God is speaking today to each of His followers.

“If we let the spirit of God bring us face to face with God, we, too, shall hear something similar to what Isaiah heard.” (Oswald Chambers)

God bless and have a good day.