Why personal space is important


Personal space is an essential component of our daily lives, and it plays a crucial role in maintaining our physical and emotional well-being.


Personal space provides us with a sense of privacy and control over our environment. It allows us to retreat from the world when we need to and recharge our batteries.


photo of pavement near white fences/personal space

Personal space also helps us establish boundaries with others, which is essential for healthy relationships. Without boundaries, we may feel overwhelmed or violated by the actions of others.

By maintaining a certain amount of personal space, we can protect ourselves from physical harm or the spread of germs. We certainly learned the importance of this during the Covid epidemic.

Allows for freedom

Personal space allows us to feel comfortable and relaxed in our own skin. It gives us the freedom to move around and express ourselves without fear of judgment or intrusion. Many people find that rejuvenating in their private space empowers them in all areas of their lives.

My devotional time with God is enriched because I have my own place. It is the kitchen table, and though my husband is usually home, he has his space, and I have mine. I need that privacy so that when I pray, I don’t have to worry about being heard. I can be free to pray as I want. The same is true for my husband.

Overall, personal space is an essential aspect of our lives, and by respecting our own personal space and that of others, we can lead happier and healthier lives.

Physical and Emotional Benefits of Personal Space

Having personal space is essential for other reasons as well.

Personal space enables improved relationships

Having personal space can actually improve our relationships with others. When we have time to ourselves, one of the reasons to have our own personal space, we can reflect on our thoughts and feelings, which can help us communicate better with others. We all need space to be renewed and revived.

When my husband was having open-heart surgery, all my family was there, and while I was grateful, I was also overwhelmed. At one point, I had to leave and find my own space for a while to gather my thoughts. Fortunately, I found a secluded spot.

Increased productivity:

Personal space can be a great place to focus on work or other tasks without distractions. It can improve our concentration and help us be more productive. In my opinion,, office cubicles do not produce productivity, although I assume studies were done before offices went that way.

Enhanced creativity:

assorted color paint buckets/personal space

By having personal space, we can tap into our creativity and explore new ideas without fear of judgment or interruption. For me, I am at my best creatively, when I have my own space.

Better sleep

Having a designated area for sleep can improve the quality of our sleep. When we associate our bed with sleep, it helps us fall asleep faster and get a more restful night’s sleep. Many people don’t have this privilege. For me, I would have to be past exhausted to fall asleep in a room with a lot of people.

Camp would have never worked for me.

Overall, having personal space is crucial for our overall well-being. It helps us recharge, reflect, and improve various aspects of our lives.

Enhance mental and emotional health with personal space

Personal space is important for physical and emotional well-being.

Personal space also allows us to have a sense of control over our surroundings, which can be beneficial for our mental health. It gives us the opportunity to take a break from social interactions when we need it and to recharge and rejuvenate ourselves. whether it’s a quiet corner in your home or a peaceful walk outside.

Personal Space reduces stress and anxiety

person in white shirt with brown wooden frame/personal space

When we have a place to retreat to, it helps us relax and reduce stress levels. This is especially important in today’s fast-paced world, where we are constantly bombarded with stimuli.

I chose this picture below knowing we can’t all go to a place like this but we can imagine it in our head when we need a place to retreat.

Creating a personal space can be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. A personal space allows you to escape from the chaos of the outside world and recharge your batteries.

A personal space can provide you with a sense of control and ownership, which can be especially helpful during times of uncertainty. Having a designated space for relaxation and reflection can also promote mindfulness and help you stay present in the moment.

Personal spaces can be tailored to your specific needs and preferences, whether it’s a cozy reading nook or a home gym. Consider carving out a corner of your home or office to create your own personal oasis. (More on this tomorrow.) You may be surprised at how much of a difference it can make in your mental well-being.

Prevents conflicts and misunderstandings

When people invade your personal space, it can make you feel uncomfortable or even threatened. Like it did me in Paris. This can lead to arguments or misunderstandings that could have been avoided if everyone respected each other’s boundaries.

By giving people their personal space, you show that you respect them as individuals. It’s a way of saying, “I see you, and I’m giving you the space you need to feel comfortable and safe.” When people feel like their personal space is being respected, they are more likely to feel relaxed and at ease. This can help build trust and create stronger, healthier relationships.

Remember, personal space is different for everyone and can vary depending on the situation. By being mindful of others’ personal boundaries and communicating your own, you can help create a more harmonious and respectful environment for everyone.


Having our own space can be influenced by a variety of cultural and contextual factors. Not all cultures value privacy and personal space like we Americans.

My husband and I have traveled a lot. (I was able to go because he had so many frequent flyer miles. Why do I always feel the need to justify this?) Most of the time, we’ve been in big cities. The homes and apartments, mostly apartments, are very small. Only wealthy people can afford larger spaces. We were very uncomfortable in some of the crowded places we found ourselves, and I had a scary experience.

We were in Paris, and I learned the pope was going to make an appearance in his popemobile.

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I decided I wanted to see it, so I joined the people waiting on the street. But shortly, the crowd grew large, and I was pushed up against a bridge. The crowd kept growing, and I was getting crushed even more. I felt I was going to be suffocated. There was nowhere for me to go.

I had texted my husband where I was and what was happening. (He had been working but had left, and his office wasn’t far away.) He found me and pushed through to lead me out. I never saw the popemobile, and that was fine by me. I’ve never liked crowds anyway, but that experience made me like them even less. But most people seemed just fine. They were used to busy spaces.

Personal space makes us feel safe.

Cultural values and beliefs:

Different cultures may place varying levels of importance on having personal space or communal space. For example, some cultures may prioritize individual privacy, while others may emphasize the importance of sharing space for social connections.

The cost of living and availability of affordable housing can impact the ability to have one’s own space. In some areas, the high cost of living may force individuals or families to share living spaces or live in crowded conditions.

Social norms and expectations play a role in determining whether individuals or groups have their own space. For example, societal expectations may dictate that young adults move out of their parent’s homes by a certain age, or that married couples should have their own homes. But in some cultures, extended families all live together.

people on road between buildings/personal space

Considering these factors can help us better understand why having our own space may not be as important in other countries and cultures. Beliefs about personal space can be a reflection of broader social and political issues.

Respecting personal space

Personal space is important for several reasons, including promoting physical and emotional well-being, respecting boundaries, and allowing individuals to feel safe and comfortable in their surroundings. Sometimes we react negatively to someone claiming they need their own space, but we shouldn’t. We need to respect anyone who says they need some space,

I had an interesting experience a few years ago, pre Covid. I was checking out at a grocery store, and the woman next in line moved so close to me, she could’ve easily seen my credit card pin number. I mean, I could feel the woman’s breath; she was that close. I’ve never had that experience before. I turned around and asked her to please give me some space and move back. She didn’t seem to understand the issue, but she did move back.

We need to be willing to ask for our own space and also respect others. The next time you’re in line, pay attention to those in front of you and give them some distance.

Overall, personal space is an important aspect of our physical and emotional health, as well as our social interactions. By being mindful of our own needs and respecting the boundaries of others, we can create a more comfortable and harmonious environment for everyone.

When excessive personal space can be harmful

Personal space is a fundamental human need that allows individuals to feel safe and comfortable in their surroundings. However, there are certain situations where personal space can become unhealthy.

If you find yourself constantly avoiding social situations or isolating yourself from others, it may be a sign that your personal space needs are unhealthy. You might be expressing your need for personal space to seek isolation. Personal space is meant to be a refuge, not a hideout. And it’s not something we use to keep those closest to us at a distance.

Sometimes the need to be alone is an excuse to avoid interacting with others or problem-solving. While we all have times we need to be alone in a place of our choosing, we need to monitor those times and make sure we are needing it for good reasons.

Summarizing the need for personal space

Personal space is important for psychological and physical well-being. It allows individuals to have a sense of control over their environment, reduces stress, and provides a sense of privacy. Having personal space allows individuals to feel more relaxed and comfortable in social situations, which can lead to better communication and relationships. It also allows individuals to recharge and have time for themselves, improving overall mental health.

While personal space is healthy, we need to be careful we don’t use it as an excuse to avoid others. It is a coping tool for those times we just need to get away.

God bless and have a good day.